There are many views on vaccination. In the end every animal owner must decide with the veterinarian of choice what course of action is the best and right one for his or her cat(s). Some experiences and views are covered without judgment in the following sections.

Cat flu and cat plague are diseases that have to be vaccinated against for exhibitions per minimum requirement. Breeders who are articipating in exhibitions have to vaccinate their cat(s) regularly accordning to the proper instructions (in accordance with the intervals of the manufacturers).

Rabies is a disease that most cats from breeders have to vaccinated when taking part in exhibitions in Germany and other foreign countries (please mind the intervals for vaccination). Since 2009 Germyn is considered free of rabies, but there still are individual cases of rabies in batwings. Vaccination is therfore recommended for stray cats.

Chlamydia are neither bacteria nor viruses but an intermediate form (intracelluar pathogens). Therefore an immunity by vaccination is questionable. Some veterinarians have decided not to do vaccinations against chlamydia.

viele Tierärzte aus Überzeugung nicht mehr gegen Chlamydien.


Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is the immune response to infection with feline coronavirus. Many cats undergo infections with the corona virus in their lifes and don’t develop FIP. The circumstances under which those harmless pathogens mutate and cause FIP are not known. An accumulation in some lines was recognized. Tests can only spot whether a cat already had contact with corona viruses, not if they can trigger FIP. Under these circumstances the question remains wheteher a vaccination is advisable.

Vaccination against FeLV is controversial since some cats subsequently developed sarcomas (an aggressive, vaccine-associated tumour at the injection site). Knot-like formations occur in tissue often used for vaccination: neck and abdominal sides. To know whether is is a sarcoma, the knot has to be judged by a pathologist. The only prevention is to waive the vaccination.


Tierarztpraxis Konschewski

Katzenschutzverein Siegen

Tierarzt Hucke

Katzen können sicherer leben: Impfungen auf dem Prüfstand, Michael Streicher Kindle Edition

Dosierungsvorschläge für Arzneimittel bei Hund und Katze (MemoVet), Wilfried Kraft 2015

Katzen impfen mit Verstand: Sind jährliche Schutzimpfungen notwendig und sinnvoll? Der Ratgeber für Katzenliebhaber, Monika Peichl 2007



R= Feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1)

C= Feline calicivirus (FCV)

P= Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV)

T= Rabies

Ch/Chlam= Chlamydophila felis, causes by chlamydia infection

FeLV= Feline leukemia virus

FIP= Feline infectious peritonitis

Vaccines against those diseases are available in different combinations and from different manufactureres. The 4 biggest pharmaceutical companies are: MSD Intervet, Merial, Pfizer, Virbac.



PEI Liste zugelassener Impfstoffe für Katzen - Katzenimpfstoffe

Übersicht über die Immunitätsdauer der TOLLWUTKOMPONENTE der Veterinärimpfstoffe

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